Friday, August 23, 2013

Set Free 11 - On Surrendering Control

Text: Matthew 6:25-24, Matthew 7:7-11

It’s so so difficult to surrender control to God. Of anything; decisions, outcome, relationships, circumstance… you name it.

So, what does the Bible have to say on the matter? We know God loves humility, and we know He rewards those who seek Him.

James 4:6b “…“God opposes the proud but favors the humble.” NLT
Also seen in Proverbs 3:34 and 1 Peter 5:5

Hebrews 11:6 “And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.” NLT emphasis mine

But when it gets down to the day-to-day, the nitty gritty of a situation, our emotions get in the way, and then our humanness prevents us from actually surrendering control.
Anybody like me in that? It’s a whole lot easier to know we need to give it over to God, and say we’re giving it over to God… even pray that we’re giving it over to God than it is to really hand it over. Really, truly rest in God’s decisions on the matter, rest in His outcome.

It’s a trust issue. When we want control over a situation, or person, or whatever, what our heart is saying is “God, I don’t really trust that you’ll do what’s best here.” Or even “God, I love him more than you do, so I’m gonna do this my way, to make sure this turns out right.”

How many times must God sigh and watch us in this foolishness. We are foolish sometimes. Of course God loves us and our loved ones more than we will ever be able to comprehend. And of course God’s wisdom far surpasses our own. Always. But why do we still want to hold on so tight?
It’s lack of trust. That maybe somehow God’s gonna mess it up.

Am I right?

Q: What are some areas in your life you have had trouble giving over to God?
Q: What are the biggest ones right now that you’re holding the tightest to?

Don’t you think it’d be more refreshing to just let God work? I’m not saying we sit and be spiritual couch potatoes, but really think about God, the God of no limits, and the God with the ultimate imagination – how much greater He could orchestrate an outcome than we could?

Romans 11:33 “Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!” NLT

James 1:17 “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.” NASB

And from our text:
Matthew 7:11 “So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him?” NLT

Practically, though, what does that mean for our day to day?

Good question. This is one that I believe many of us who have control-freak tendencies would like to know. (I like to phrase it that way, ‘tendencies’, because I believe if we label ourselves a Control-Freak, part of us inside gives up on that ever changing, and nothing is too hard for God, amen? If it’s labeled as a tendency, then its no less a redeemable sin than anything else we’re redeemed from.) We like to have a plan of action, a checklist to follow.

Good news, bad news. I’ll break the bad news first. There is not a checklist to follow. Every person is different, all situations are different, so every believer’s plan of action looks a little different.
Ready for the good news? Any plan of action can be summed up the same.


I want you to take a few minutes today and take a really close look at God’s creation. I mean, close-up. If you have the opportunity to get nose-to-nose with a flower, take a look at the intricate detail, the great beauty that God planned, implemented, and sustained.

Q: Do you think God is involved in those steps of your life? (Planning, implementation, and sustaining.)
Q: Why or why not? explain

If you answered no, then I’d like to politely ask you to reconsider. I know God has planned for you to be you, in the specific time, family, era and everything on purpose. He implemented the course of action needed to get you where He wants you today, in spite of, and even through our choices as a free-will creature. This is where I have to refer back to Romans 11:33, because if I think too long and hard on our free-will compared to God’s will, and how the two are interlaced and play off of each other, I get confused. I have such a finite mind, and this is just one more way that I realize God’s ways are greater than mine, and I must stop there. You?
And He definitely sustains us. If you haven’t already, please read our text from Matthew 6.

I had never really applied this passage to being a control-freak before, but it fits so well. Because at the root of all control tendencies is a lack of trust. We, for whatever reason, don’t absolutely, from the core of our being, trust God’s best. We either don’t trust that His ‘best’ is really that great, or we don’t trust that He will come through. Either way it’s a lack of trust.

So, as with almost all trust-relationships, trust must be learned. I encourage you to study God. Take a look at His ultimate plan from the beginning, and how, rocky road though it may have been, He sustained the way for Christ to be born.
He created the world.
He created you.

Do you see what I’m getting at? Study His miracles. Look over your shoulder at where He’s brought you, and how you’re stronger for it.

Do you see wounds there when you look back? Certainly. I’m sure that’s probably a lot of the reason it’s hard to trust Him. But can you try to see the bigger picture? And if you can’t see the bigger picture, maybe He’s still working – have you thought of that? That maybe you’re still in the middle of the picture, and it won’t be until later you’ll see the outcome?

Can you trust Him? Can you trust that He is indeed Good, and Wise, and most of all,
He’s got this!

Let’s close with Psalm 100:5.

Psalm 100:5 “For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”

All generations, including yours. He is good. And He always will be.

Trust Him, and little by little, you’ll learn to let go.

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