Friday, July 26, 2013

The Way the Truth and the Life

We are looking at something akin to the concept of a three-legged stool:

The way and the life with no truth gets you nowhere.
The way and the truth with no life is just senseless.
The truth and the life with no way is pointless.

Do you see how we need all three?
Jesus knew this, wise God that He is.

Please read our text: John 14:1-6

Isn’t it just beautiful?
Picture it. Jesus, lovingly saying, just as a father would say to his child as he leaves for work in the morning:
“I love you, child. I have to go for a bit, but I will be back.” And when He comes back, we get to go with Him.

And like a child, not understanding, perhaps also not wanting Him to leave; not feeling confident without Jesus’ presence, Thomas asks,
“How? We don’t know the way.”

Stay, Jesus. We need you. We’re lost without you.

Indeed. We are.

Jesus then answers with the line we are likely familiar with.
John 14:6 “Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”” NLT

I AM God.
Because I AM, you can have life.
You can trust Me, I AM Truth.
God is Truth.
And I AM the way.
The only way to live. There’s no way around Him. He IS the way.

3 John 1:4 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” NJKV

Walk with Him, hand in hand. Walk in Truth.

And walk as a worthy heir and child of God.

Romans 8:17 “And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.” NLT

1 Thessalonians 2:12 “We pleaded with you, encouraged you, and urged you to live your lives in a way that God would consider worthy. For he called you to share in his Kingdom and glory.” NLT

Let’s pull it all together now: We are to walk worthy of Him, yes?

Re-read that.
Worthy of Him?
I’m with Thomas (John 14:5), “How, Lord?”

It makes me want to crumble.

But He didn’t say “crumble, you worthless sinner,” now did He?
He said walk. And He said walk in truth.
In other words, “Walk in Me.”

It makes me picture a Daddy dancing with his little girl’s feet planted on top of His, letting Him do the steps, holding His hands so she doesn’t fall.

Isn’t that us?

3 John 1:4 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” NJKV

And it brings Him such joy. He loves to be leaned on; He loves to be depended on.
Let Him be your Enough. Let Him be the answer to your “how?”

As in the last part in our brief I Am study, I want to leave you with a challenge.
Pull out a pen and paper (Really do, I’ll wait.)  There’s something so effective about not only taking the physical time and effort to write it down, but also having the paper/journal entry as a reminder.

Okay, prayerfully, make a list of a few areas you’re not totally leaning on Him for and letting go. 
I will give you an example – for me, before I had my baby, I had to surrender to God the idea of ever being a mother.  Being okay with that if that’s what God wanted.  Before that, I had to come to the same place about getting married.  Don’t get me wrong – both were a struggle!  I would spend days where my conversations with God would go like this, “But God, you wouldn’t have given me this desire if it wasn’t what you wanted for me.  Why do I need to give it up?” 
“I just need you to let me be enough.”
“You are enough – but I want____.”
“Enough.  Just Me. enough.”  I pouted inside.
 “I don’t know how to let go.”  But eventually with enough prayer for Him to help me surrender, then I did.

See it?
“How Lord?”
“In me.  By me, me.  I AM enough for you”
He is the way.

After you make your list, pray about it with Him.  He wants His little girl dancing on His toes.  He wants to be the way for you and He wants to be enough.

Feel free to share here in the comments if you would like some accountability and community.

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